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More Record Breakings mean Sustainability improves around the World!

Future-proof Your Programs for

a Sustainable Future

For the business world to embrace a new vision of success, credible leaders have to show the way. The UN SDGs have become an important lens: 65% of institutional investors align their investment framework with the SDGs. Companies who have already begun supporting sustainability through the SDGs include Citigroup, H&M, Johnson & Johnson, Manulife, Nestle, Nike, Pfizer, PwC, Swarovski, UBS, Unilever, and etc.


Connecting SDG-linked Programs to

National Impact Funders


71% of customers consciously avoid buying from firms with perceived negative environmental and social practices – people do care about sustainability. Assessing the impact of all corporate initiatives with a focus on the sustainable future remains a challenge for many companies. An effective way to increase customer knowledge of a brand’s sustainability initiatives is through external stakeholder engagement. ​

On the other hand, successful sustainability or social initiatives often begin as visions for addressing a problem. The vision may be modified over time as organisations come on board and a pathway to “scale up” is pursued. Scaling up is a process for significantly increasing the number of sustained implementations of a successful program, thereby serving more people with comparable benefits.

To secure finance in order to scale up sustainability or social projects, proof of social impact must be provided. But how can organisations show potential funders the impact of non-financial decisions and social sustainability measures in an effective way?

SDG World Record

Showing sustainability/social impact to

external stakeholders is not easy

SDG World Record is a system to recognize sustainability/social impact with criteria that are

   1 ) linked with the Sustainable Development Goals (future proof),

   2) the best in the (sustainable) world,

   3) verifiable,

   4) measurable, and

   5) traceable

         (More Record Breakings mean Sustainability improves around the World!)



  • Provides a simple, comparable tool for measuring sustainability and social impact.

  • Increases external communication with community investment alignment and brand renewal.

  • Globally recognised social impact measurement framework for all organisation sizes.

In other words, What's In It For Me

Caring about Environment
 and Social
Strategies to Scale Up Projects
Governance for Sustainability

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The accolade is further confirmation that the territory is moving in the right direction as it seeks to rebuild “stronger, greener and in a more sustainable manner”.

Vincent Wheatley

Minister for Natural Resources, District 9
The Virgin Islands

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The words “Sustainable Development Goals”, a colour wheel visual identifier, and Names for

each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals with corresponding individual icons for each goal  are marks of the United Nations.

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